Organic Carbon
(Some Excerpts and Rational From The 4-Phase Treatment Protocol)
(For Clinical and Personal Evaluation and Refinement - Experimental)
It doesn’t take a PhD to appreciate that each of the many alternative therapies investigated appear to have their own particular merits in a comprehensive treatment of cancer. While some function by providing a focused remission of tumours, others strengthen the immune system, destroy pathogens, provide detoxification, correct dietary deficiencies, invigorate cellular metabolism, normalize the electrolytic balance, relieve pain and decongest the lymphatic system.
Logically the best approach for a highly effective cancer treatment would be to combine several, of these natural and complimentary therapies in a multifaceted, synergistic protocol that addresses all the symptoms and underlying causes simultaneously or in some logical sequence of treatment steps. If we are ever going to beat this disease we must use the common sense that God supplied us with in an attitude of humility, and learn to work within the bodies normal biochemistry to do nothing more than augment its natural healing capabilities. It is after all the height of humanistic arrogance to suggest that any artificial concoction of patented poisons will ever provide a “silver bullet” cure for cancer.
I think we would all have to agree that a state of crisis justifies urgent measures, even if they do not happen to conform to existing regulations. It would not for instance be proper to let a person drown simply because the access route to perform the rescue was posted with a no trespassing sign by some control freak bureaucrat with a self-righteous, legalistic attitude. The higher moral principle of preserving life must prevail over the dictatorial edicts of arrogant, power mongering medicrats of the allopathic monopoly.
Quite frankly, knowing what I have discovered these past five years, I would not under any circumstance submit myself to the traditional chemo, radiation and mutilating surgery offered by “modern” oncology, which universally debilitates the bodies immune system killing a myriad of healthy cells in the process. This is an entirely illogical approach for which 20th century medicine will be dully ridiculed in the history books as a “dark age” of medicine and categorized with other primitive unscientific nonsense, such as blood letting. Considering that it took decades for persecuted independent thinkers to convince physicians to wash their “fricken” hands before performing surgery, I wouldn’t expect them to be too progressive here either. The hearts of arrogant men haven't changed much over the centuries.
The mountain of historical evidence would indicate that the entire cancer industry, including its regulators, is a fundamentally "evil empire" despite the altruistic intentions of many of its brainwashed pawns and practitioners and the great PR job they manage to do on the unsuspecting public. It is not however my prime objective to expose and lay waste to the corrupt medical industry. My first purpose has been to equip you with a more thorough knowledge of cancer and the many alternatives treatments that are worthy of your consideration. Live long and prosper.
The suggested protocol consists of a veritable buffet of non-toxic remedies that are believed to be very effective based on a variety of clinical results, testimonials and some personal investigations. Nearly all of the necessary medicinal agents are in fact natural substances or health supplements and can be acquired without medical approval, for personal use.
Despite the abundance of options available, a very effective treatment protocol can be put together using only half dozen or possibly fewer distinct remedies. It would be best to include a good cross-section of alternatives to ensure that all the apparent causes of cancer are addressed within the four phases of treatment. Apart from exhaustive diagnostic testing it would be very difficult to pinpoint any particular problem with any precision, so it is advisable to err on the side of caution and cover all the bases.
Hopefully, the power brokers of the allopathic monopoly will eventually find their lost humility and begin to embrace some of these ideas and begin cooperating with the necessary diagnostics. This would permit a more focused approach to determine specific problems that may be corrected with a more targeted treatment requiring very few remedial measures, but for the moment that does not appear practical apart from lots of humble cooperation from your personal physician.....
Presumably the more synergistic remedies you employ - without overdoing it - the better your chances of correcting the underlying causes and seeing a full and enduring recovery. Certainly do not attempt to try everything suggested. The substantial list of ideas is only meant to provide you with lots of options for each phase of treatment and to broaden your perspective on the subtle complexities of the disease.
Again, a realistic treatment protocol need not be very complicated or expensive. As an example of one possible treatment regime, I have provided a detailed Experimental Protocol in Appendix A for your consideration. By way of distinctive labeling this protocol and its subtle variants is referred to as 4pH2 REVIOX in recognition of the fact the it is a four phase, high pH therapy providing detox, revitalization dehydrgenation and enhanced cellular oxygenation.
Do keep in mind that toxicity is always a matter of degrees. Everything including oxygen and water can eventually lead to toxicity, if taken in large enough amounts. The dosages stated are only a rough guideline extracted from the source documentation and are believed to be well below any known toxicity levels, but should not necessarily be presumed safe for every individual. Medicinal interactions and allergic reactions are virtually impossible to anticipate apart from individual testing. My goodness, people even die from eating peanut butter nowadays.
On that note, the contemporary emergence of a wide array of allergies would indicate that our chronically toxic environment, and the conflagrations of artificial and toxic substances in many drugs (including allergy medicines) are doing us a lot of indeterminate harm.... It is a safe bet that mankind has never invented any artificial compound that is ultimately beneficial to life. To presume otherwise is simply a slap in the face to God....
For brevity, the treatment protocol is broken down to four not so distinct phases that will overlap to a large extent and may begin to yield noticeable improvements within a few short days, particularly during the focused intervention phase. The treatment protocol begins with a phase of detoxification and general revitalization involving an ongoing regime of improved nutrition, metabolic improvement and elimination of toxins by various means to establish a healthier launch pad for the intervention phase.
The intervention phase is then starting by utilizing more aggressive approaches such as High pH therapy. The high buffering capacity of CsCl should eliminate the pain associated with acid leeching from the tumours within a few days and help to jump start aerobic metabolism. The intention of intervention treatments is to provide a precision counter attack against tumours and individual cancer cells without the usual negative side affects of chemotherapy and radiation which kills many healthy cells as well.
The recovery phase then follows on the heals of the intervention treatments, consisting of a gradual reduction in the intense doses of intervention, moving to a more subtle, long term approach that brings full recovery and rejuvenation of affected tissues and organs. On completion, the recovery phase transitions to an ongoing maintenance and prevention regime that is intended to ensure that the patient remains free of the ailments that caused the disease in the first place. As usual an ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure.
Ideally these remedies should be taken under the supervision of your personal physician; preferably a reputable alternative medical practitioner. Keep in mind that your traditional allopathic doctor is generally a brainwashed, straight-jacketed disciple of official medicine, particularily the pharmaceutical cartel. He is therefore unlikely to be supportive and would infact be risking his medical license by participating in "unapproved" treatments. His presumed objectivity and the extent of his fundamental knowledge is also questionable at best....
Do not under any circumstances be intimidated by condescending denouncements based in “know it all” arrogance. Despite their many years of education and indoctrination, the average doctor knows a little bit about everything and not much about anything, so you can very quickly eclipse his level of expertise in any specific medical subject even though you may not have a good command of all the fancy Greek and Latin lingo...
If you need further evidence of the allopathic physician’s frailties and superficial knowledge read a book such as Dr Berger’s insider report on What Your Doctor Didn’t Learn In Medical School. Again, to be fair, I am not suggesting that all doctors can be painted with the same brush, but the medical profession has become so terribly complicated that there is no way any doctor can hope to stay on top of things, no matter how conscientious he may be. A doctor with some measure of spiritual depth is certainly apt to be more conducive to giving something new and predominantly natural a fair try....
Phase 1: Detox and Revitalization
Detox and revitalization go hand in hand in most cases, consisting of a lengthy list of options to rid the body and its immediate environment of all manner of pathogens and toxins while also providing general revitalization of bodily functions including the immune system. The overall intent is to remove potential sources of stress and irritation and to provide better nutrition and improved metabolism, particularily cellular respiration....
There are a wide array of available remedies, natural supplements and other measures that could be included in a comprehensive detox and revitalization regime, some of which are listed below. It only stands to reason that the more you do to improve your health, the better off you’ll be. Try to confine yourself to approaches with some demonstrable track record and clearly defined therapeutic value that can be fitted logically into one of the phases of treatment.
Environmental Measures:
If you presently reside in a polluted environment it would be best to move elsewhere for your recovery if practical. Failing that, the internal home environment can be improved dramatically with a thorough cleaning and ongoing air filtration using portable HEPA filters to keep fungal spores and other air born pathogens under control. Avoiding exposure to chemical cleaners, insect sprays, fragrances, tobacco smoke and other synthetic materials that release toxic chemical vapours and dust.... Tight restrictive clothing should be avoided. Restricted motion naturally deters good circulation and oxygenation. Use of synthetic fabrics might also be diminished as much as practical....
Dental Amalgams with their high mercury content are an obvious source of heavy metal toxicity that aught to be eliminated if practical and replaced with composite fillings as recommended by a growing number of doctors and dentists. Swedish studies indicate that the average person has about 5 grams of mercury in his body at death. A single uptake of this magnitude would no doubt be fatal.... Fluoridated water should also be avoided since it tends to inhibit cellular respiration by inactivating magnesium... and many other options.
Physical Therapies:
There are a variety of physical therapies that can be used to revitalize the body and give cancer cells a hard time. Regular exercise is obviously good, especially routines employing a lot of flexing and acceleration, which helps to loosen the congested lymphatic system and encourage circulation and oxygenation in the organs of elimination and storage including the breasts.....
Cancer cells and viruses begin to die off at temperatures above 40 °C due to their elevated anaerobic metabolism, while normal cells remain healthy. It is also well established from extensive studies that at elevated body temperatures there is an endogenous production of potassium from an apparent endothermic bio-nuclear fusion of sodium plus oxygen, which cools the body. Hyperthermic treatment consisting of ....
Cleansing Fasts:
A cleansing fast is one of your best options for rapidly improving health and speeding you down the road to recovery.... A day of liquids only fasting should also be done on weekly basis throughout the treatment process to ensure on an ongoing regime of regular cleansing and removal of fungal growths from the digestive tract.
Diet and Healing Foods:
The positive influence of good nutrition should be an obvious factor in beating cancer. One should try to eat as much natural food in its raw uncooked state as possible, preferably from an organic source that applies responsible principles of agronomy on well balanced soils. Refrain from eating refined sugars and carbs, which leads to blood acidosis and oxygen starvation of the cells. The presence of so many refined carbohydrates in the western diet is a major contributor to the high incidence of cancer...
Artificial, highly processed food sources are always inferior to those, which are provided by nature.... Acid producing foods aught to be avoided by a cancer patient who is already battling with high acidity....
Foods high in organic sulphur such as garlic, onions, chives, leeks, asparagus and shallots should be consumed regularly to help rid the body of fungal infections and support metabolic enzyme function....
The much lower incidence of cancer in cultures where foods like garlic and onions are liberally consumed supports these assertion....
Electrolytes and Primary Minerals:
Next to improved oxygenation at the celluar level, Electrolytes are probably the most important in the effective treatment of cancer and the two factors are actually very closely related. The main electrolytes sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in particular are consequently considered separate from the other minerals because of the relatively large quantities in the body and their all-encompassing functions.
Sodium intake usually in the form of table salt may tend to be a bit excessive in western culture.... However, I would suggest caution here so as not to err on the side of cutting back too much on sodium, which is very essential to good health despite the bad rap that it gets from the medical profession....
Vitamins and Trace Minerals:
A good source of vitamins and minerals including trace elements is essential to good health and proper metabolism and cell development. Historically our foods contained a much higher concentration of vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients, but the abuses of modern agronomy has caused a steady decline in soil nutrients over the last century. Vitamin and mineral supplements are therefore necessary to some extent....
Natural source vitamins A, C and E have been shown to have significant anti-tumour value and can be taken liberally within recommended limits and are frequently employed in conjunction with other therapies such as CsCl to enhance efficacy. High quality, natural source, chelated vitamins which are more readily absorbed by the digestive tract and assimilated by the cells are reputed to be the best... Essential trace minerals and other micronutrients such as Selinium, Zinc, copper, manganese and iodine are also highly regarded....
Oxygenation & Metabolic Aids:
Improved oxygenation at the cellular level is the most desirable avenue for improving metabolism by supporting oxidative energy production, removing metabolic wastes, buffering cell pH, killing cancer cells and destroying all manner of anaerobic pathogen. Water soluble, organic germanium would appear to be an excellent option here....
Liquid oxygen supplements such at O2 Plus are also reportedly good for improved tissue oxygenation. Regular use of respirator oxygen may also be of considerable value provided utilization at the cellular level is assured through detox of the cell walls in particular and balancing of the inter and extra-cellular electrolytes.
Organic sulphur is again critical to the function of several metabolic enzymes so the inclusion of the aforementioned organic sulphur containing foods such as garlic, chives, onions and asparagus is strongly recommended.
Herbal Supplements:
There are a wide variety of herbal supplements that can be utilized to compensate for the declining nutritional content of western foods and fight cancer. A cup of Essiac or Flor-Essence Tea taken morning and night would also be very advisable given the compelling results historically attained and the wealth of micronutrients available from such wild plants. Ginseng and Bee Pollen are generally recommended to aid the body to return to its natural state of balance and increase energy levels....
Other valuable herbs include garlic, echinacea, pau d’arco, and mistletoe. These are only a very few suggestions. Consult your local health food store, Homeopath, Herbalist or Naturopathic physician or consult reputable information sites on the internet.
Kardovite, a potent mixture of eight different medicinal herbs in tincture or gel caps may be another excellent means of strengthening the immune system, improving circulation, and a source of natural plant enzymes with potent anti-fungal properties....
Phase 2: Focused Tumour Intervention
In many cases rigorous application of Phase 1, detox and revitalization will be all that is necessary to beat your cancer since it appears to address all the underlying causes as a matter of course. In such cases one can proceed directly to phase 3 and 4 recovery and maintenance.
In more advanced cases with significant tumour development, organ invasion and advanced cachexia, a more aggressive intervention treatment phase is probably called for. If significant invasion of organs has already occurred preference should be given to those treatments which promote redifferentiation of the dedifferentiated cancerous organ cells back to the normal healthy state of the affected organ through what is essentially a pleomorphic transformation.
Aggressive, focused intervention against tumours is best started after some improvement in health is apparent from the first phase of treatment but again this is a matter of personal choice that would depend on how dire your circumstances are. With a very poor prognosis and facing death in the near term, a more aggressive protocol starting immediately with both phase 1 and 2 treatments in concert might be the more advisable approach in terms of using precious time wisely. Being too aggressive with your treatment is not generally advisable due to the prospect of overloading the organs of toxic elimination, which may already be stressed or somewhat debilitated by tumour invasion.
Think of this next phase as a precision counter attack on localized tumours where the “enemy” has established what amounts to a beach head from which to launch its attack on other parts of the body, the dreaded process of metastases. What your going to do in this phase is drop a few smart bombs that will seek out and destroy the core of the enemy without catching healthier tissue in the crossfire which remains the major downside of all conventional therapies. We also want to take a lot of prisoners and get them back under the bodies central control mechanism so that they can again become model citizens, so to speak.
Do not attempt too many aggressive therapies simultaneously and especially be careful about using more than one approach at a time that is directed at the same underlying condition such as electrolyte imbalance. Preparation of these various therapies will of course require the acquisition of a small electronic scale.... A few options for Phase 2 treatment are provided.
Intervention Therapies:
A daily dose of CsCl in excess of 3000 mg has been clinically proven by Dr. Brewer to be an effective means of rapidly raising the cell pH to alkaline levels at which cancer cells cannot survive. One #3 gel cap (1,500mg) with each meal is one possible regime to consider. Dr. Brewer also administered a daily regime of 5 to 10,000 mg of Vitamin C and 100,000 IU Vitamin A to enhance uptake and destruction of cancer cells.
Daily supplements of Magnesium, Potassium, Lithium and Zinc weres also included in Brewer’s protocol to replace minerals leached from the body by the high Cs levels. A Magnesium deficiency can, for instance, cause spasms in the heart muscle and blood vessels which are believed to be the actual cause of cardiac arrest in about 40% of fatal heart attacks, according to a British study.
Potassium Bicarbonate (500 mg per kilo of body weight) and high doses of folic acid dissolved in fresh squeezed Lemonade, may constitute one of the most effective intervention therapies. If one were to get lazy about this whole healing process, this would probably be the last thing to give up. Folic acid has recently become much easier to acquire due to its recognized critical function in gestation where rapid cell development, and growth regulation are of paramount importance. Potassium ascorbate, a salt of ascorbic acid is another electrolytic approach that combines the benefits of Potassium with Vitamin C.
Organic germanium at a dosage approaching 100 mg per kilo of body weight taken up to six times daily represents another aggressive intervention strategy that can be combined with other approaches providing the equivalent of hyper oxygenation and aggressive detox of the tissues without any apparent toxicity concerns.
Hydrazine Sulphate could also be used to quickly arrest the wasting process of cachexia and rapid tumour growth if that is an issue in the case of rapidly advancing, metastasized, late stage cancers. Arresting the process of glucogenesis would also presumably be of value in reducing the burden on the liver that may be taxed heavily during any effective treatment process. Care must be taken to avoid the incompatible drugs and foods listed in the chapter on HS. One 60 mg tablet taken three times daily with meals is a typical dosage cited.
DMSO can also be administered liberally to help dissolve the fibrous coating of tumours exposing them to attack by the immune system, stimulate interferon production, flush out the congested lymphatic system and to generally boost immunity while greatly improving the mobility of the bodies defence arsenal. DMSO should also improve cellular uptake of Cesium as well as many other essential nutrients and oxygen.
Phase 3: Recovery and Repair
After several weeks to months in the intervention phase, depending on the severity of the cancer and the modes of intervention, the tumours should have largely disappeared and aggressive intervention can be gradually tapered off and discontinued. The recovery phase allows the longer term natural recovery and tissue repair processes to continue, facilitated by the bodies natural healing abilities, supported with an ongoing regime of more relaxed therapies and other remedial measures. Suddenly stopping any aggressive intervention treatments should be avoided to reduce shocks to the system.
Any high dosage vitamin and mineral supplements taken in conjunction with intervention therapies can also be cut back to the normal daily recommendation for normal health maintenance. Continue using sea salt for all its important electrolytes and blood serum minerals.....
It would probably be advisable to continue taking Essiac or Flor-Esence once a day, and DMSO as recommended in the intervention phase. Also continue with your other herbal supplements to ensure a continued supplied of critical micro-nutrients, enzymes, anti-fungal support, detox and other benefits.....
If you opted for the 714X therapy, as an intervention therapy it should probably be continued through to the completion of the Recovery phase.....
A weekly day of liquids only fasting is probably advisable throughout recovery as an aid in sustaining detox and giving the body regular break from the energy intensive processes of digestion freeing up resources to expedite organ and tissue repair. Also continue with a variety of other detox and revitalization strategies on a more relaxed basis, slowly tapering off to the minimal requirements of the maintenance and prevention phase, which should ideally be continue indefinitely.
Maintaining good nutritional habits goes without saying. Continue to avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates quite religiously until you have fully recovered, and then only in moderation. Ensure your getting adequate quality protein for the reconstruction and rejuvenation of tissues. Drink lots of un-fluoridated spring or mineral water to keep yourself well hydrated and flushed out....
Phase 4: Maintenance and Prevention
Being healthy is not merely the absence of disease symptoms as conventional allopathy would have us believe. Despite the rapid disappearance of tumours that may occur under this treatment regime, the cancer may only be in a state of temporary remission, waiting for its next opportunity to advance, when the body’s defences are again lowered. To ensure the various lines of defence remain strong enough to ward of a recurrence a relaxed maintenance phase should be continued indefinitely.
While this may not have been necessary in earlier periods of human history the growing prevalence of chemical toxins, highly processed foods lacking essential nutrients, nutrient exhausted soils, UV radiation from Ozone depletion, all pervasive electromagnetic noise, world travel, elevated stress, etc. dictates a more decisive regime of prevention.
Maintain a healthy diet high in raw vegetables, fruit and fiber to maintain good energy supply and control digestive parasites and fungal infections. Given the failings of modern agronomy, one should consider a high quality multivitamin and mineral supplement especially if dietary habits are not the best. Do avoid exposure to numerous substances that have been identified as being carcinogenic including strong chemicals in hygiene products. Getting enough fresh air and exercise and reducing your exposure to airborne fungal spores, toxic chemicals and excessive radiation of any form goes without saying.
A natural sea salt or a sodium reduced version (if that is a legitimate concern) such as the SOLO brand is probably the most simple and effective means of maintaining a healthy electrolytic balance rich in potassium and many other essential minerals and micronutrients that will help keep your electrolytes, metabolism, cellular respiration, body fluid pH and so on normalized. A continuing supplement of cesium is advisable given that cultures with a substantial intake have essentially no incidence of cancer.
Downing a litre of lemonade with potassium bicarbonate vitamin C on a weekly basis will also give a regular boost to the sodium-potassium electrolytic balance and trans-membrane potentials, ensuring good metabolic function and strong bio-electric control signals to regulate life processes. A potent supplement of organic source calcium to ensure optimum oxygen transport across the cell walls is also called for. Organic silica is also a good idea for much the same reasons through the intervening, bio-nuclear fusion reaction Si + C > Ca.
Cutting down on your refined sugar consumption is very advisable, especially if you have type O blood according to Dr. Michael Eades, author of Protein Power, and other authorities. Too much refined sugar also tends to produce acidosis of the blood with all its attendant problems including diminished oxygen and faltering metabolism.
This last suggestion may sound a little strange, but do try to avoid excessive hygiene. The bodies defence systems are actually strengthened by the normal challenges encountered in day-to-day experience such as a lick in the face from the family dog and the exchange of germs, which are a reality in most human interaction. Without such regular challenges, the immune system becomes weakened due to lack of exercise, so to speak.
Again, for reference, feel free to adapt the detailed 4pH REVIOX treatment protocol as just one possible example of how to put together your own personal four phase treatment protocol to address all the apparent underlying causes of cancer.
© 2006, Mark Porringa
Updated Dec 8/2006